Sunday morning worship time

Small Groups
(making daily Christian living real)

The pastoral team is working at reorganizing small groups and helping them get started again. More info to come.


Small groups are an important part of the life of Mt. Clinton Mennonite Church. Many existing groups welcome new members at any time, and new ones form as persons express an interest in a new group and a facilitator or leader is available.

Over the years, a large majority of the members and regular attendees at MCMC have participated in the fellowship, mutual encouragement and accountability, Bible study, and prayer that are part of our small groups.

Join a Small Group

If you would like to participate in one of our small groups or have other questions contact our pastor, Lee Martin, at mcmc6954 (at) or (540) 867-5885. Also feel free to contact any of the small groups about visiting with them during one of their meetings.