Photos of church services during the pandemic:
via Zoom and in the meetinghouse

From March 22, 2020, until May 30, 2021, we meet for worship services by using the software  program, Zoom. After that we began meeting in the meetinghouse or via Zoom depending upon each person's preference. These phots capture some of these gatherings as seen through Zoom using screencapture.

The Gallery view of the congregation on Zoom,
Part of the Zoom participant view in July 7, 2020.

Speaker view in Zoom
Dale gives the congregation a closing blessing whether in the meetinghouse or at home watching through Zoom.

daughter and father sing from home
Anika and her father, Matt, sing from their home via Zoom on July 12, 2020.

trost family prepares to sing at church
Anika, Zachary, and Matt practice for singing at church on April 24, 2021 ..

Larry leads singing at the church
Larry leads the congregation in singing at the church on September 5, 2021.

showing the auditorium relatively full
The congregatiion sings in the meetinghouse on May 30, 2021.

a cow puppet is used in a children's story
Mary shares insight for all ages in her children's story with her puppet, Brownie, April 4, 2020.

jim preaches at the church
Pastor Jim preaches at the meetinghouse on August 15, 2021.

Jim preaching from home
Pasotr Jim preachyes from home on Zoom during pandemic on May 24, 2020.
[Because of  mixed lighting and mediocore laptop cameras, this photo had a heavy green tint on the left, and Jim's face appeared very flushed with hair washed out. I did some dramatic retouching of this photo, and it probasbly show.  --RB]

commissioning for service
Pastor Jim and the congrregation commission Nathan for service on September 5, 2021.

after the dismissal
After the benediction on September 5, 2021.

front of church
Front of the church after the benediction on September 5, 2021.

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